Excessive parent involvement: a harmful path for students

October 25, 2014 — by Nidhi Jain and Ami Nachiappan

Whether it be forcing the student to study with them every night or excessively checking Aeries, high levels of parent involvement undoubtedly result in negative consequences, hindering the child’s independence.

The loading circle rotates for what seems like hours  as Aeries boots. Finally, the home page appears. Click-grades. Nothing new. Refresh. Nothing new. Refresh. Still nothing new. Refresh.

Then, the yelling begins as the parents jab their fingers at the new A- sitting in their child’s gradebook.

This situation occurs far too often for many students and reflects the unfortunate truth that parents are becoming too heavily involved in their child’s academic life.

Whether it be forcing the student to study with them every night or excessively checking Aeries, high levels of parent involvement undoubtedly result in negative consequences, hindering the child’s independence.

High school is a time when teens develop suitable study habits and learn how to deal with both school-related and non-academic issues by themselves, thus preparing them for the more rigorous workload soon to come in college.

In a study conducted by the University of Texas, Austin, and Duke University, professors Keith Robinson and Angel L. Harris prove that parent intervention techniques, such as checking grades frequently, leave children more anxious than enthusiastic about school.

Robinson conducted a survey with his undergraduate statistics students, asking them how much their parents contributed to their academic achievements. These students said they barely remembered moments when their parents’ excess concern actually benefited them.

Of course, it is not a good idea for parents to completely sever all participation in a student’s academic life. Parents should be involved in their child’s academics to a certain extent.

Instead of showing visible disappointment when a student does not meet their expectations, parents should serve as a support system that encourages the child and offers insight on how to improve. If the parent notices that this is causing the child to become lazy, a short and strict occasional reminder, as in once a week at maximum, can only benefit the student.

Studies show that some parent involvement increases a student’s scoring, but when parents excessively force students to study, it brings negative results, causing the student to lose self-esteem.

Along with the draining students of independence, the excessive nagging of parents only builds on everyday stress students endure in high school.

Instead of trying to please their parents, students should be striving to earn suitable grades and expand their knowledge out of their own will and motivation.

When parents constantly nag about grades, it hampers the student from learning the real reason school is vital. Even worse, it results in students seeing their grades as a measure of how much they pleased their parents instead of how much they are able to grasp the taught concept.

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