Girls’ Cross Country: Takahashi’s sunny personality shines on the team

September 30, 2012 — by Lauren Louie and Carolyn Sun

At the starting line of one of the season’s most grueling races, runners wear a face of grim determination and, in some cases, dread. But not junior Casey Takahashi, one of the school’s three cross country captains, who smiles with genuine enthusiasm. 

At the starting line of one of the season’s most grueling races, runners wear a face of grim determination and, in some cases, dread. But not junior Casey Takahashi, one of the school’s three cross country captains. No matter what course she runs, Takahashi smiles with genuine enthusiasm.

After participating in track and field during the sixth grade, Takahashi decided to try cross country.

“I did the mile [event], but I wanted to run more,” Takahashi said. “I like longer distances better because it has an actual feeling of running rather than being done in a couple of minutes in track.”

One of the most difficult races, Crystal Springs, is Takahashi’s favorite because of the dirt paths, scenic views and hills.

“I really like running hills because once you get up [the hill] you feel really accomplished,” Takahashi said. “The next day when you’re all sore, you feel proud because you’re sore and it’s a really good feeling.”

Joining cross country has benefitted Takahashi in many ways, such as increasing her self-confidence.

“My favorite thing about cross country is how everyone motivates each other,” Takahashi said. “During even just workouts and races, you have your team encouraging you, and that’s really big part of running.”

Senior Kiki Shim said Takahashi’s cheerful personality is infectious.

“She just adds to the atmosphere of cross country,” Shim said. “I mean running can be exhausting sometimes, but her encouragements help everyone to continue and just enjoy running.”

Coach Danny Moon agreed.

“Have you ever seen a smile?” Moon said. “Have you ever seen someone who is bubbly and everything? It’s a real positive flow of the inner person bubbling out and smiling and it’s kind of cool.”

Takahashi has made it her personal goal to run her hardest at every practice and improve every year by getting faster mile split times.

Takahashi plans to continue cross country beyond her high school career.

“I might join a club at college or I’m definitely going to run on my own,” Takahashi said.

The team recently placed first overall against Lynbrook and Wilcox in the only home meet of the season on Sept. 18. The course was a two mile run around the school. Seniors Maya Nag, Suzannah Osekowsky, Maggy Liu, Tina Pourani and sophomore Carolyn Qi achieved personal records of 12:17, 14:42, 14:45, 17:56 and 13:13 respectively. Their next race is at Crystal Springs on Oct. 3.

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