Mission Peak and Skyline: Local favorites provide spectacular views

March 28, 2014 — by Jonathan Young

Its 4 a.m., and you wonder why you’re up so early. For a Saratogan, the drive up to Mission Peak Regional Park can be a pain, but the experience is well worth it. 

Mission Peak:
Its 4 a.m., and you wonder why you’re up so early. For a Saratogan, the drive up to Mission Peak Regional Park can be a pain, but the experience is well worth it. 
Mission Peak Regional Park is located in Fremont and is about a 30-minute drive from the high school. 
The hike is about 6 miles in total, but it’s more tiring than it seems. The last stretch is a struggle — the jagged rocks along the steep trail take a toll on the knees, but the rush to reach the top keeps one motivated. The hike along the mountain gives a great view of the San Jose area, where the lights and buildings seem so small in the distance. 
In the morning, there are shrill winds that gust at the peak of the mountain. Senior Rachel Perera was one unsuspecting subject to these winds. 
“I was literally in fetal position shivering and hyperventilating. But then, I emerged from my shivering ball and saw the sun rising, and I realized I would live. It's definitely worth the struggle,” Perera said.
The view at the top is breathtaking. The sun rises beyond the mountains to the east and creates a golden sea in the sky. While the hike was somewhat difficult, the serene view is well worth it.
“The views and beautiful and it's a great way to bond with friends,” Perera said. “And after, you can eat as much food as you want with no guilt because you just hiked 6 miles of mountain!”
When students find nothing better to do at the end of a stress-filled school week, a common visit is the Skyline trail. The place has become a favorite spot for students to just relax and enjoy the view. 
One draw to Skyline is its close vicinity. Skyline is just a quick drive away, adding to its popularity among students. Right off of Highway 9 on Big Basin Way, the Skyline view point is as spectacular as it is convenient. 
“I like how natural everything is even though it’s only a few minutes away,” senior Andrew Firth said. “It’s definitely worth visiting. It’s literally in Saratoga’s backyard and has a lot to offer.”
The location is perfect for viewing the majestic scenery of Saratoga and its surrounding cities. As the night descends, lights from buildings across the Bay Area flick on, and as each light is switched on, the panoramic view from Skyline is illuminated. 
“It [is] really fun driving up with friends and seeing the viewpoint,” said junior Patrick Huynh. “The view is breathtaking.”
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