Drama movie night includes costumes, laughs and sing-alongs

December 6, 2011 — by Wren Sutterfield

“All will be revealed Dec. 1,” read numerous posters around the school in mid-November. Students were baffled as they contemplated what all the fuss could be about.

“All will be revealed Dec. 1,” read numerous posters around the school in mid-November. Students were baffled as they contemplated what all the fuss could be about.

Soon, the morning announcements gave it away: Drama Boosters was hosting a “Nightmare Before Christmas” movie night.

The Thermond Drama Center filled with students in pajamas and and a few in costume, ready to relax and enjoy the show.

Though the event was planned by the Drama Boosters, it was mostly student run, according to senior Penny Burgess. However, there were teacher hosts who made sure everything ran smoothly during the two viewings.

“[Eileen] Allen and [Tony] Palma were generous enough to be our administrative ‘hosts,’” parent of sophomore Annelise Nussbacher and Drama Boosters member Loretta Nussbacher said.

Students were encouraged to dress in costume or bring stuffed animals.

“It [was] totally cozy, there [were] beanbags and blankets,” Burgess said.

Each ticket was $5 and included a raffle ticket for a “Nightmare Before Christmas” themed gift basket. At the end of each showing, Burgess and junior Kristen Jensen had won the two movie-themed gift baskets. The event raised a few hundred dollars for the drama program, and each showing was attended by about 30 people.

“The movie was full screen on the wall and the sound system was great,” Nussbacher said. “It was fun and we will do it again but more as a fun event [as opposed to a fundraiser].”

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