Tumblring the day away

February 8, 2012 — by Amy Jan

When people sign up for Tumblr, they should be prepared to spend some quality time with their computer. The simple design of the dashboard passes time quickly as people scroll down endlessly through the pages of reblogged posts from people they follow. This creates a distraction for many students, including myself.

When people sign up for Tumblr, they should be prepared to spend some quality time with their computer. The simple design of the dashboard passes time quickly as people scroll down endlessly through the pages of reblogged posts from people they follow. This creates a distraction for many students, including myself.

Tumblr is a site where people are free to write or reblog whatever they want without being judged. It allows people to openly express themselves with no fear of conforming to society.

People can understand each other better through the use of Tumblr. I usually follow people I know so their blogs are more personal. I learn so much about my friends and peers through the posts they write. When my friend was stressed out about her grades, she wouldn’t tell me what was wrong, but then I saw her post and I knew.

Over the summer I spent days just sitting in a chair staring at my computer screen scrolling down my dashboard where I saw my friends post about their summer days and how much fun they were having vacationing. I was supposed to be studying for the SAT, but oftentimes I would find myself logged onto Tumblr just scrolling away.

When school started again, I told myself that it was junior year, the year in which grades matter the most. And yet still I always find myself glued to Tumblr, unable to get away from the computer.
This website is a guilty pleasure. The functions are so mindless that I am entertained for hours just using my mouse scrolling down. I can always find high quality pictures, listen to music, watch videos and read little anecdotes or quotes. I always convince myself that as long as I am having fun, I am not wasting any time. It is a simple mechanism I use to reduce my guilt.

I’ve had Tumblr for about a year now, and I check it whenever I don’t feel like doing homework or studying—which, honestly speaking, is every day. This blogging site has become my life. I can’t even begin to count how many times I log in on a daily basis anymore.
My Tumblr addiction has gotten to the point where I had to ask a friend to take away my password recently. That was the only way I wouldn’t be tempted to log in when I should be working and studying for finals.

Since I’ve had my Tumblr taken away, I’ve been more efficient at studying. I can even go to bed as early as 10 now, and that’s impressive for a high school junior. I don’t even allow myself to take a 2-minute Tumblr break anymore. Well, I couldn’t even if I tried.

Without Tumblr I can be more focused on my school work. No distractions. I have even seen an upward trend in my grades and can honestly say that I am doing my best in my academics.

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