A quarantine clothing evolution: finding myself through fashion

October 22, 2020 — by Anjali Pai
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Photo by Anjali Pai

Sophomore finds treasure trove of new duds in her dad’s closet.


I had never paid much attention to my dad’s closet. After all, it was a closet full of old guy clothes, which are not particularly suitable for a sophomore girl. However, quarantine has sparked my interest in fashion, making that closet a treasure trove of unique, oversized shirts. 

During in-person school last year, I never really felt the need to be uniquely me when it came to how I dressed. I just wanted to fit in and not draw too much attention to myself, so my outfits essentially consisted of  skinny jeans or leggings with a sweater or jacket.

I had to wear jackets more often than I would have liked to because I have a common condition called Raynaud’s syndrome that makes my hands and toes extremely sensitive to low temperatures. But now that I’m not stuck in a cold classroom and can adjust the temperature to my liking at home, I can wear clothes that showcase more than just my fingers’ refusal to cooperate in cold weather. 

I often wear baggy jeans with oversized graphic T-shirts or sweaters, going for an indie and somewhat vintage style. My mom loves pointing out that my oversized shirts are way too big for me, but that’s kind of the point: They’re way too big and way too comfortable.

Oversized clothes have always made me feel safe and happy, and raiding my parent’s wardrobe has provided me with an endless supply of them.

My dad’s closet has been working out great as a substitute for thrifting. I always find something new and comfortable, and with its stock of old clothes my dad picked up over the past 30 years it is almost like a little vintage thrift shop in my own house.

Although I’ve stepped up my clothing game, my newfound sense of fashion has been lacking in the shoe department: I still have those same old Air Force 1’s that everyone else has. Luckily, shelter-in-place didn’t only get me into fashion, it also got me out of having to wear shoes.

That hasn’t stopped me from fantasizing about getting those glorious Dior Jordan's, but they're pretty expensive. Honestly, I’d still be more than happy to get the cheaper 1461 Smooth Leather Platform Doc Martens. 

What I love about developing my own clothing style is that it’s not only a fun hobby, but it has instilled a new sense of confidence. 

As I’ve started wearing clothes that I like, rather than clothes I feel pressured to wear, I’ve noticed that I have started being myself and stopped stressing out over what others think of me. Try changing up your style. The worst that could happen is that you might look like a clown on Zoom, but at least that will give your classmates something to remember you by.


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