A foolproof guide to making sure your indoor plant children stay alive

September 24, 2023 — by Sanjoli Gupta
Photo by Sanjoli Gupta
All of my indoor plants are lined up in a beautiful display on my shelf.
Here are five simple tips to make sure those beautiful flowers stay in bloom and the leaves stay green.

Getting plants for yourself is one of the best things you can do. After a long day of school and homework, walking into my room is a  comforting, relaxing experience, with a splash of green on my shelf lined with ferns, succulents and orchids. 

The simple act of keeping something alive and nurturing a plant provides a source of pride and excitement. But this is easier said than done, so here is an easy guide to keeping your plants well and alive!

Tip 1: A robust watering schedule

Knowing when and how much water you use for your plants will help ensure the survival of your plants. To do this, I add the watering schedule for my plants along to my calendar on the wall. For example, my schedule reminds me to water my ferns every other day and count till five seconds while watering. 

One way to add fun to watering is to purchase a squeeze bottle to water your plants with. I love using my squeeze bottle because I feel like a scientist while watering my plants! It also helps to get the water straight to the roots and soil rather than all over the leaves in case the plant’s leaves dislike being wet. Just like how I prefer drinking water directly into my mouth instead of spilling it all over myself  — no thank you! 

Tip 2: Lighting should be bright but not too bright!

As you’ve learned from Biology class, your plants need sunlight and energy to grow. It is essential you open the blinds or curtains in your room before leaving for school. However, do note many indoor plants don’t want direct sunlight and need to be in a bright area with indirect light to thrive. 

Make sure your plants aren’t in the trajectory of sunlight as the sun moves across the sky throughout the day while still able to get an adequate exposure to light. For example, I put a shade over my window so the light isn’t as intense. 

Each plant is unique, so make sure to check the label of the plant or Google its full name to check its watering and lighting needs. 

Tip 3: Don’t be too ambitious 

Be honest with yourself when buying plants: Are you more hands on with plants or tend to neglect them? How much time and energy are you willing to commit to your new children and their survival? 

Succulents are like the independent children that do not need as much care in the plant kingdom, so they might be more fitting for someone who wishes to add a splash of green with low commitment. However, if someone wants orchids, they need to soak the plant in running water and let it drain for half an hour roughly every five days or when the roots look foggy and white rather than green and bright. This requires a more robust schedule and attention. 

When buying plants, it’s nice to support small businesses and local nurseries so check out local nurseries in your area rather than just going to Home Depot! I like going to SummerWinds and Yamagami’s Garden Center. Smaller nurseries focused on plants will also have more pot and plant selections available. 

Tip 4: Check the humidity requirements of your plants!

Some plants, like ferns and orchids, generally require a more humid environment. This can be created by putting your plant pot on top of a plate with rocks and water. As the water slowly evaporates, it creates moisture around the plant. You can also get a spray bottle and spray the plant a couple times a day depending on the plant. While I use the spray bottle and prefer it due to its quick nature and easy accessibility, both methods work. 

Tip 5: Befriend your plants!

OK, this isn’t necessary, but I think it’s fun to talk to my plants and tell them about my day or silly little things I learned. It’s nice to be friends. You didn’t buy them just to put them on the shelves, right? 

Your friends might think you’ve turned into a crazy plant person but who else will listen to my silly stories if I don’t talk to my plants?! 

You can also decorate your pretty green friends! Using interesting pots for your plants can also add to the overall look of your plant, making it more aesthetic and adding personality to them. I love animal pots, and I have elephant, snail, turtle and llama pots for some of my ferns. 

Being a plant mama brings me immense joy, and watching each plant grow taller and stronger brings me pride and excitement. Hopefully, these tips will keep your indoor plants thriving and happy to bring you the same levels of joy!

Sanjoli smiling with her succulents! Photo by Sanjoli Gupta
Tags: plants
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