Good tap water: a privilege to be enjoyed

September 24, 2022 — by Victoria Lin and Annie Liu
Photo by Annie Liu
You can enjoy a warm mug of hot chocolate in a matter of seconds thanks to hot tap water.
It’s the OG. It’s a classic. Bow down to the clean water that comes out of your faucet.

In Saratoga, we’re blessed to have clean, healthy and good-tasting water flowing from the tap. There is no need to drink bottled water.

Having said that, we acknowledge that not everyone is lucky enough to have access to clean water, especially in California’s more rural farming areas where there are droughts and a lack of tap water. 

 Then think of the residents of Flint, Michigan. In 2014, the water that came out of Flint residents’ houses was discolored and reeked. Deemed to be safe from public officials, residents of Flint drank and bathed in the water for 18 months. 

Thousands of residents were exposed to chemicals and bacteria, because of their old weathering pipes and failure to treat the water of its bacterias. Legionella became widespread in Flint, and people were also exposed to a dangerous amount of lead from the weathering pipes. They suffered hair loss, irritated skin, rashes, elevated blood pressure, and higher rates of cancer. 

All of this is to say that when you have good tap water, use it. 

For one thing, tap water is convenient. By just a turn of the knob, it comes instantly out of the faucet into your favorite glass, mug or reusable bottle instantly. Then you can carry your cup of holy water anywhere in your house and take a sip at your leisure. 

During cold days (if you do have an instant hot water faucet, that is), just a packet of Swiss Miss cocoa powder, your festive cup, some marshmallows, your warm tap water and two or three gentle swirls will revive all the good memories of winter break in just a matter of seconds. For us, that warmth from the mug and the fulfilling sips of the chocolatey goodness makes our hearts complete.

During sleepless nights when we are hungry, nothing is better than a warm cup of instant noodle soup before tucking into bed. The crisp sound of the tap water poured onto the yet to be cooked noodles, and the warm soup fulfilling our tired minds and hungry stomachs, bring so much joy at such a lonely hour during midnight. Despite their artificial taste, it gives you a pat on the back and tells you’ve gotten through the day — it’s time to welcome a brand new start. 

All of these magical things can’t happen without the help of blessed, beautiful tap water.  It is a luxury that most of us take for granted but shouldn’t.

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